I worked with the World Health Organization to create their social media campaign social media tiles for World Diabetes Day 2023. World Diabetes Day is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign reaching a global audience of over 1 billion people in more than 160 countries.
WHO Department of Communications reported that this year’s World Diabetes Day Campaign was their most successful campaign yet. Their brief was simple - Create social media tiles that present information related to the theme of World Diabetes Day, “Diabetes Complications”
Although their brief was simple, prior experience on health communication projects meant that I understood what was impactful, interesting and the correct messaging to ensure the brief was met with the sensitivity and desire of what people with diabetes want to see talked about on the world stage of diabetes.
This doesn’t necessarily mean regurgitating technical medical information, but having a knack for understanding the right tone that works in harmony with the right visual. Crafting this kind of messaging requires understanding of people living with chronic medical conditions, years of experience of being involved with patient communities, and being present on social media platforms to understand what message resonates. It must have that crucial balance of engaging artistry in the delivery of the message, without negating the seriousness of the message it conveys.
“Janina has previously worked with the WHO Global Diabetes Compact team. Her work was delivered on time, and at a very high quality. Her prior work with WHO has also been commended by other teams, including the Department of Communications. She is acknowledged in the field as a leader of visual communications regarding diabetes.”
– World Health Organization Global Diabetes Compact Team